Tuesday, December 22, 2009

emot icon 2 Simon

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Guild Bank Cleaning!

All plp even not so active - send 2 Bell what u need from guild bank... mostly aiming in rep item as a bone fragments, crypts legs and Z'D coins!... if no1 ll want anything ... ill just sell those on ah!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Guild Reactivation - Important Rules

It's a new begin ... all old sins will be lost; Forgiven but not forgotten, it is our past, its a memorial that can give us lesson, that we wont do the same mistaken ageing, and that can clear out way for future.

A guild live rules:
1' Guild Events
1a' Every officer can create a guild event.
1b' Guild event are for guild only [as its same says]!
1c' Only a creator of event, or a person who he pick up as a Group Leader, can and should pick up outsiders in a case of lack of people.
1d' Guild Events are something special, and should be announce at last 1 week faster, can be switch in date in someone ask for those and all others who sign in ll agree.
1e' If someone will sign up for that kind of event he have to be ready on that time and place what he put his sing in! There wont be any exceptions! Even 1 min of being late will discriminate you from Guild Event!
1f' If there will be more peoples who will want to join event that a event max party can have - a creator/group leader, should pick up a team in that way of order: data on who was first 2 sign in on tanking gear/build/skills , healers... and dps. Exepction from that is 2 pick up a dps not on scribe time but on a raid.team benefits [like pick up a 1 priest and 1 mage drom dps pule but not 2x priests].
2' Personal Events - its a free 4 all and do all what you will to, you can inv whoever you want, and pick up a team in any order of yours.
3' Guild Recruitment
3a' All guild officers should at last one time in day spread on canal 2 (trade) that mgs [real guys & girls that don't hurt]: " Knights of Old Kingdoms: looking for more active players, we are a social guild, we are trying to have some progress, to assembly a 25 raids team, we welcome all peoples with lvl 65+ who knows what a social guild and a discipline and loyalty are for! "
3b' To a thousand names of god, don't inv all at once... ask what way that person choice [dps, healer, tank] im know that maby rude... but there ll be like... 10.000 DK with are looking 4 guild... If any1 wants 2 inv DK - team with him, and do inst! I dont want 2 c a lame plp who dont know 4 what they live 4 just they buy acc on e-bay and starts all from nothing = DK ><" 3c' Remember if you inv any1 2 guild 2 promote him 2 a Neophryte Draper
4' Guild Ranks

4a' Guild Vendor - it's a default rank, all new members will have that one! So promote them 2 a Neophryte Draper. Its a Taboo rank - only 1 trusted person can have that one... and it ll be always unplayed alt! That rank have almost unlimited access to a guild bank.
4b' Squire - its a on and only rank that alt char can have! All guild members have 2 pick up his main and alt chars, by name... that one can be switched, but only once per mount! No exceptions! Squire rank have basic access to a guild bank but not 4 money [its u alt so pay 4 it ;p] but its always more that a ...
Neophryte Draper - a new guild member, w/o aces 2 anything. Why - cos of abuse our trust in a past. How 2 get a promotion: be social, do events with us, help others, and don't be shame 2 ask 4 our help. U can as well put items 2 bank evt.. its all count.
4d' All higher ranks - have better access 2 a guild bank, 2 a guild options ect... and can be gathering by [look above]

End worlds: If u fell in any way that something is wrong, some1 is hurting u, or u are skipped in anyway... say those on main, or send a mail 2 gm [in game mail 2: Asellus, or normal: asellus@poczta.fm ]. And we ll all try 2 resolve that one.
If u have ant thoughts about that, want to add or cut something.. write it!

All guild members have 2 sign in that post as a evidence that you accept those and understand!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Guild Bank

As a John says about our gb system:

Specify some rules for using guildbank repair to.

Im open 4 propositions, since all what is now as only mi idea ;p what 2 change, where 2 put info 2 plp 2 c ect.

Monday, August 24, 2009

21.00 HC time!~

Ok plp try 2 be online on 21.00 [server time = GTM +1] and dont have saved Daily HC and HC Champ.. we can create 2 groups now and do those... if u want alternative time.. write in comments!

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm - get ready!

Hi all, check http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=10543158181 and http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=10543537977 the most important thing is:

Guild Leveling and Talents
We’ve introduced a new guild feature that will provide options for players to earn guild experience in a variety of ways. Players can earn guild experience through leveling, reputation ranks, boss kills, Battleground and Arena wins, and profession ranks. The top twenty earners from the guild per day will contribute to the guild experience total.
With every acquired level, guilds will receive talent points that they can then spend towards their guild talent tree, which affects all guild members in the guild.

Additionally, guild experience is converted into guild currency that can be used to purchase a wide variety of rewards, such as guild profession plans and reagents, vanity items, and talent respecs.

That is why I thing that we have to try to create, or at last thing how we could to create, raid and BG groups.

1' plz add that u are interested in or not!
2' if u have any idea how this could work - write!
3' we will do all raids - 4 achievement... so plp from lvl 60+ are obligate to say that they are interest to do or not!

4 me > i can be in bg and raid group, im 2x days in week all free, and rest ill be online at 16.00 or 21.20 [when i end my job] :* Wi